Is it easy to use? What about its learning curve? : I wish they would have provided us with a printed version as reading 1,000 pages on a screen is not the most pleasant thing to do, but let’s say Native saves trees! The Maschine software and MK3 come with a very complete documentation as NI’s website provides a 1,000-page PDF Then, training for FINGER DRUMMING, and why not ending up playing live – everything seems eventual with this MK3 as i twas precisely made for a hybrid use I purchased it to produce Detroit/Berlin style Techno (I know, there’s quite a gap between those genres ^^) In what context do you currently use this product? : The Maschine software is very stable, i’ve never had a crash or CPU overuse with it

What about its stability? How much resource does it use? I own a big gamer’s setup: Win 10 / 32 gb of ram / I7 / GTX1070 Which setup are you using this device on? :