Also in 1970, the company's stock transitioned from trading on American Stock Exchange to trading on the New York Stock Exchange. In 1970, Lautenberg was noted as being the president of the company. The company established a subsidiary in the United Kingdom in 1965. ADP went public in 1961 with 300 clients, 125 employees, and revenues of approximately $400,000 USD. (ADP), and began using punched card machines, check printing machines, and mainframe computers. In 1961, the company changed its name to Automatic Data Processing, Inc. In 1957, Lautenberg, after successfully serving in sales and marketing, became a full-fledged partner with the two brothers.

Frank Lautenberg joined the brothers in the company's infancy. as a manual payroll processing business with his brother Joe Taub. In 1949, Henry Taub founded Automatic Payrolls, Inc. ( ADP) is an American provider of human resources management software and services, headquartered in Roseland, New Jersey.