Please let me know if you any questions, concerns or feedback. We’re excited to see how we can use the tools and features of Discord in the coming months as we continue working to improve the TradeSkillMaster experience. If you don’t have TSM yet, it’s free to use however, please do consider being a Premium user, as this supports the developers and helps further develop the Addon. In addition, there's a friendly TSMBot that will provide price checks for items on your EU or US realm if you don't happen to have access to the AH on your travels - plus give a shiny yellow name for any TSM Premium members that have joined. If you’re unsure about creating your own operations and price strings, check out this excellent resource from TradeSkillMaster (TSM): Custom Strings & Price Data.

The site and KB will now link to the #tradeskillmaster channel on the subreddit Discord where the TSM Team will be able to provide support to the r/woweconomy community. The TSM Knowledgebase was the first step in making it easier for people to get started with TSM and get help with any issues they run into. Includes Discord benefits Extremely Lazy Goblin 15 / month or save. As part of the TSM Teams ongoing efforts to provide better support to the community we're expanding our integration with the subreddit Discord server and officially moving 'front line' support away from the old IRC channel and in to a dedicated Discord channel. Access to my full TSM setups for classic, Wrath and Retail, with a setup guide included.